introducing olivia
dear miss olivia made her way into the world on feb 15, 2010 while i believed i would no longer keep this blog. now that i have decided to make it private and learned that you can later make your blog into a photo book, i'm back and an intro of our latest addition is in order!
olivia has brought so much joy into the lives of each member of this family and we are so thankful for her life! she is 6 months on sunday and i cannot believe how the time has flown! she is now sitting up, playing with anything she can get her hands on (much to her doting brother's delight: "here, olivia! hold this, olivia! touch my hair, olivia!..." etc, you get the picture :), and giving the most beautiful grins and giggles and gurgles to top it all off.
she is such a playful, happy baby from the minute she wakes up from a nap and greets me with a smile and a flapping of her wings (the nickname "bird" has become a favorite :) when i come in to pick her up.
luke and olivia are complete sibling soul mates. they enjoy each other so much, it is total joy to watch them interact. luke entertains her by the hour (songs, questions, narration, toys, ...) and she entertains right back with smiles, giggles, gurgles and coos. "oh! olivia talking to me, mom!" is one of luke's favorite comments to make and he never tires of giving her raspberries on her belly -- and he is amazingly good for such a young guy!
luke continues to grow up into an extremely fun, inquisitive, engaged boy! he is talking like crazy these days -- wow, it is amazing how fast they put things together! -- and it makes the days so quick. we have so much fun reading books together, pointing out what is on the pages and what colors things are. he really has his colors down now and is starting to really pick up on counting. of course, he really has an affinity for the #5 and is not so much into #3, so usually it goes something like, "1, 2 ... 5!" :)
here are some recent pics of our two kiddos in action!

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