I love having my machine out! It is so easy to get a little sewing done here and there. My adorable niece, Hannah Sofia, turned 1 last week. She is the only girl of all the kids on that side of our family, so my mom, sister and I have been having a lot of fun buying her pink, giving her dolls, seeing her in dresses, etc. I decided to try doing some applique on a dress for her birthday gift, having seen a bunch of fun examples on etsy and elsewhere. I ordered this adorable "farmer's daughter" dress made by a co-op in Bolivia and used some leftover fabric from a few projects. Michael Miller Fabrics has a great tutorial which was really easy to follow. Can't wait to see Sofie model her new threads! :) (This isn't actually a picture of the complete dress, but I forgot to take one before wrapping it up!)
sofie says "thank you"; we LOVE the dress! i keep oohing and aahing every time I open the closet. i need to get a little white turtleneck for her (or pink or green) so she can wear it even sooner. thanks for coming to celebrate! i can't believe she's one....sigh. love--em